Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Mock school magazine sketch- contents page

In today lesson, I drew a sketch of what my contents page will look like in my school magazine.

Here is a sketch of what my contents page will look like

Monday, 30 January 2017

Mock school magazine sketch- front cover

After researching the codes and conventions of a front cover, I decided to do a sketch of what my front cover will look like, so that once I start to create the front cover, I have a rough idea of what I want to put on and where. 

Here is a sketch of my front cover

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Mock school magazine plan

During today's lesson we were given the brief of what we need to do for our primarily task. The task was to create a school magazine. We need to create a front cover and a contents page with information about the school, and were given the rule of taking a mid shot photograph for our front cover.

Before going straight into taking my photos and adding text to the photos, it did a small bit of research on general magazines,so I could get a rough idea of what goes on them, where about and how to take a successful photograph.

Once I had gathered information on magazines, I made a plan of what my magazine will look like by designing a rough sketch and a list of conventions that will go on the front cover and contents page.

Here is a mind map of general codes and conventions of a magazine

Friday, 27 January 2017



My name is Lucy Hampshire. I am currently studying A-level Media Studies and this is my blog for my music magazine. I will be creating a front cover, contents page and double page spread for a music magazine and will use this blog to regularly update my research, ideas, progress and analysis.

Firstly, I am going to create a mock front cover and contents page for a school magazine, in which I will learn how to use Photoshop and InDesign, which will help me when making my final music magazine. 

After I have created a mock magazine for a school, I will analyse 5 front covers, 5 contents pages and 5 double page spreads, all from music magazines. I will decide what genre magazine I am going to be doing, then finally create my own music magazine.

By conducting this research, it will help me gain a idea of the codes and conventions of a music magazine, which I will put into practice when creating me own magazine.

I hope you enjoy reading through all my initial research, ideas, plans and the final making of the magazine!