Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Today was the day that my front page, contents page and double page spread was due in. I exported my inDesign documents as a JPEG file's into the hand in folder.

Here is my finished work
Front page: 

Contents page:

Double page spread: 

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Comparison of rough cut VS final cut video.

Here is a video of someone out of my target audience, discussing what they like about my magazine, and how it has improved since my rough cut. I handed her a copy of my rough cut and a copy of my final cut so she was able to compare the 2.

Here is the link to the youtube video


Friday, 7 April 2017

Quick chnages before we break up for Easter

Although the magazine is due in on the 25th, I don't have inDesign software at home, so I am unable to work on my magazine thought the holidays. During the holidays I am going to be focusing on my evaluation which I will be presenting on the 2nd May, for now I am going to show you the final adjustments I have made to my magazine before I export it when we some back to school on the 25th of April!

Front cover changes
I have added in the brighter photo to my front cover, as I found that although I did use lights to take my photo, they we not very effective, possibly because I also used the flash on the camera.
I have also read through the articles on my fort cover, and realised that one doesn't quite make seance. The article says 'Bombay Bicycle Club' then has the sub text 'UK Tour 'So Long' dates and venues now released.' I thought that the sub text didn't quite make seance, so I have altered the text to 'So Long' Uk tour dates & venues now released.'

Contents changes
I decided to write some of my text on top of black thick lines and change the text colour to white. I have done this as a lot of other contents paged I have looked at do this and I think it looks very effective.

Double page spread changes
I have added an introduction, along with the drop capital and decided to get rid of the question numbers, as when I did some further research, other magazines didn't use numbers on their questions.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Using Photoshop to turn brightness and a just colour on double page spread image

Here are before and afters of my double page spread when adjusting the photo using the brightness, colour and contrast settings on Adobe Photoshop. 

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Font research

I decided I didn't like the font I used on my double page spread, therefor decided to go onto to the website 'daFont' and download a font to use. I decided to download the font 'gravity' as it was a plain simplistic easy to read font for all the text on my double page spread. I decided to use the font 'Gravity' and use the style 'gravity light' (3rd down) as it is a clear easy to read font. 

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Using photoshop to turn brightness up on front cover

I decided to turn the brightness up as the image as it looked slightly too dark.
Here are before and after pictures from using Adobe Photoshop.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Changng image on double page spread

I have decided to change my double page spread image from my model Erin to my other model Megan. I have done this because now the models on the front cover and double page spread match, which is important because on the front cover, it has been portrayed that Luna Cooper (interviewed artist for article on double page spread) is the model on the front cover, where as once you go to the double page spread, the model is different. 

Sunday, 2 April 2017

My response to peer feeback

Here are screen shots of how I have changed the placing on my font cover, so that the gaps between the artists on the right side of my page are now all equal. To do this, I used ruler on inDesign.

On my contents page, I have filled in two largely blank spaced with 1 'WIN' competition, and anther with information on festivals. I have also captioned 2 images in the middle of the right side of the page, so the audience know what the images are about. 

On my double page spread, I have added a drop capital to the text to give it a more professional look.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Research into contents page number display

I was adding page numbers to my pictures on my contents page, and because of the colour of some of the images, white/black numbers didn't always look good. Because of this, I wanted too see what other magazines did when they added page numbers to their images on their contents. 

When looking at this, I realised that magazines such as NME put a box of colour under the page number, weather that be black white or the colour scheme they have (for example mine is orange), therefor I am going to fill in the spacing behind the photo with the same orange colour I have used when applying the lines to separate my text. 

 These were 2 NME contents pages I looked at during lesson. As you can see, they have put a white box around their numbers, as their colour scheme is white and black. I am going tob use this feature and make the boxes on my photos orange as this is my theirs colour in my colour scheme, and I think it will look effective if I do so. Below are photos showing my contents page before I coopered the boxes and after.