Saturday 1 April 2017

Research into contents page number display

I was adding page numbers to my pictures on my contents page, and because of the colour of some of the images, white/black numbers didn't always look good. Because of this, I wanted too see what other magazines did when they added page numbers to their images on their contents. 

When looking at this, I realised that magazines such as NME put a box of colour under the page number, weather that be black white or the colour scheme they have (for example mine is orange), therefor I am going to fill in the spacing behind the photo with the same orange colour I have used when applying the lines to separate my text. 

 These were 2 NME contents pages I looked at during lesson. As you can see, they have put a white box around their numbers, as their colour scheme is white and black. I am going tob use this feature and make the boxes on my photos orange as this is my theirs colour in my colour scheme, and I think it will look effective if I do so. Below are photos showing my contents page before I coopered the boxes and after. 

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