Thursday 16 March 2017

Facial expressions of solo female artists on front cover's

From feed back (from my self, my teacher and the class as a whole) I now know that I need to retake my front cover photo, and not use sun glasses, as not many indie music magazines use this approach when taking photos.

Indie magazines are there to bring out people's real personality, and I feel like the sun glasses hide the reals personality behind the model/singer.

This lesson I decided to do some further research into the type of facial expression and type of shot that music magazine photographers use when taking photos of solo female artists.

In conclusion, I have realised that the type of shot is a close up- medium close up, in which I have already used, and the model needs to be pulling a 'shocked' look, instead of the more moody expression and sun glasses look that I have used on my front cover.

Tomorrow I am planning on re-taking my photos for my all my pages.

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