Thursday 9 March 2017

Rough cut contents page analysis

Here is my rough cut contents page. I feel like this is my weakest page of all the ones I have created. I only added the 'features' of the magazine instead of all the pages, although I like this technique, I don't like the layout of it out or how little explanation there is after the heading of what the page is about. Here are are a list of what I like and what I know I need to improve.

What I like
-I like the title at the top of the page saying 'Inside this week' however, it looks slight too big.
-Again I like the orange lines which has the issue and date inside.

What I need to improve
-I need to rethink the layout of my page and possible do some even further research into all different music magazine's contents page.
-The size and spacing of my numbers are very uneven, maiming it look very unprofessional
-I don't like how I have only got 4 random photos on the side of page as they are very unclear of what they represent. 
-The quote at the bottom of the page looks squished and doesn't look right. 

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