Tuesday 14 March 2017

Teacher & self feed back from rough cut

Teacher feed back
Front cover

  • Photo needs to be re taken-sun glasses aren't really used on front covers, this suggest the artist is making them self (not what the indie genre is wanting to show, indie artist express themselves and if they're hiding behind sun glasses it is showing they possibly aren't confident and don't want to revel too much)
  • Line below the masthead need to be moved- randomly placed
  • The pacing between the articles is irregular. 

Contents page

  • Slightly bare, add more content
  • Needs more articles and a smaller font
Doubloe page spread
  • Photo looks slightly negative and aggressive, change facial expression.
  • Move quote from the top of the image as it looks a bit random

Personal self feedback
Front cover

  • Photo needs to be done, use a planning sheet when taking next photos showing the background colour I want, mise-en-scene, lighting, shot type...
  • Name of atrist needs ot be bigger
  • Name of artist sounds to much like a pop star name- change name to a more indie style name
  • Masthead is too large
  • Barcode missing- wesbite, price?
  • Not enough story's

Contents page
  • Articles need to match the front cover
  • Change 'Indie this week' to 'Inside this month' as m,y magazine is being published monthly not weekly
  • More content
  • More indie relevent images
  • More variety of images instead of just being 2 different people

Double page spread
  • Change artist name as it sounds too 'pop' like
  • Change photo (to a photo of the model on the front cover) or change the artist name as it looks like the model on the front cover is 'Abi Sparks' but when you go to the article, it is a different model.
  • Use rulers to ensure that the text columns are equal

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