Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Update on front cover

Through out the past few days, I have been focusing on my front cover and listening to feed back I have been given and researched a bit more into front covers, as well as looking at my previous research into front covers.

From my rough cut, I have made a few changes to what is on my front cover and the way it is presented...

The first thing I realised was that my images needs to be changed. My rough cut image was a mid shot of my model wearing sunglasses (Left), but when I looked back at my research I realised that there was a very small minority of magazines that used models wearing sunglasses. Because of this, I decided to retake my photos a few days ago and have settled on a photo I think will work image on (image on the right)

As well as changing the photo, I have decided to change the models name I have used and change it to the name 'Luna Cooper.' I also changed the sub text below the artists name as it now address the audience directly instead of just making a statement.
                         (Rough cut)                                                             (New final cut)

I have also reduced the size of the mast head as I realised that when I printed it off, it was far too big. I also added a 3D effect of the mast head. I did this by typing out the masthead name in white, then arranged it to sit behind the black masthead written in black. I also changed the line going through the title to white, as it balanced the image.
         (Rough cut)                                                                             (New Final cut)

I have also added more text, including a 'plus' section which includes different artist's names. 

As well as changing conventions on my front cover that I already had, but wanted to improve (such as my photo) I have also added conventions I forgot to add in, I now have a completed bar code, with a price inside, the date the magazine is issued, a website address and a twitter username. 
I got rid of the lines with the date and issue number inside as I didn't think this looked right. Overall, here is a comparison of my rough cut front cover vs my half way stage of my final cut.

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