Wednesday 8 March 2017

Rough cut front cover anaysis

After weeks of planning photos,  creating layouts & articles, as well as analysing exiting music magazines, I have final created my rough cut for my magazine 'Vibe'!

Here are some screen shots of my front cover and contents page & a little description of what I think has been done well, and what I know I already need to improve. Tomorrow we will discuss my magazine in class getting verbal feedback from my target audience. 

      Front cover

Here is my rough cut front cover. I am definitely not 100% happy with this, but for a rough cut- it is acceptable I know that there are still many improvements needed.
What I like-
-I like the colour scheme I have used (Orange, white and black) I chose to use orange as it was the 2nd most popular colour in my audience research, and decided against using red as it was too generic in the music genre as 2 music magazines already use this (NME and Q) and although I do want my magazine to fit in with the market, I didn't want it to be masked and camouflaged by other popular magazines.
-I like the orange and white lines I have added to divide the text up. I think it makes t look neat and clean.
-I like the top of the page which tells the TA they can win tickets to see the arists my double page spread is based on as well as free posters inside. 

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