Wednesday 22 February 2017

Audience research- Questionnaire

Now that I have done my research of analysing 5 front covers, 5 contents pages and 5 double page spread's, it is now time to get my TA involved... 

My TA is a mixed gender audience, teens- late twenties, white British, and obviously into the Indie Genre. 

In our audience research lesson we had a couple weeks ago, we discussed what ways we could get audiences opinions. One of the most popular ways of getting the TA involved was to conduce a questionnaire.

I used the online server called 'survey monkey' which is a website, in which you can create online surveys that I could send out to people for them to fill in and me to then later analyse the results. 

I am going to compile a list of questions that I am going to ask my TA. This research will help me with the creation of my magazine, as I will get direct TA opinions. 

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