I really like the minimalist look of the contents page, as it shows a male soloist on one side on the cover and then writing on the right side of the page. It is a features of the magazine, therefor only shows the most important features of the magazine. The features category has a heading and a sub heading, in which explains what the article is about. The contents page layout is a typical layout for a magazine of this indie genre as it uses the same fonts as their front covers and constantly uses the same font throughout the contents page. I like how the main article is stood our form the test and red lines have been used to separate this article. I am therefor going to make my main article stand out compared to the rest and ensure that I have lines in my front cover, as I believe this will add professional quality to my magazine.
Colour scheme
The colour scheme from the front cover is carried through to the contents page (thus being res, white and black. This colour scheme is very effective s all the colours contrast each other, making whatever is written stand out. By using the colour scheme, it creates a unique identity to the magazine and makes the magazine create its own brand identity.
I am therefor going to carry my colour scheme thought into my contents page and highlight important features in the colour of my scheme, I am also going to highlight the page numbers in my colour of choice, as this is what this existing magazine has done.
Font/text/sub text
For the contents page, the magazine ensures that the main article are wrote in capitals, and the sub text in lower case. They have added a quote to the bottom from the artists on the photo and have the more important information in a bigger font & bright colour, so that the audience find it easy to read. There is also the date and issue number at the top of the contents page, in which are written between 2 lines. I really like the convention of having the most important information in a bigger font, and also like the idea of having a quote on a double page spread
Overall, I really like the layout of the Mojo contents page as I believe it have a very professional finish form the minimal use of photographs and the lack of content. I am going to try to recreate this look in my rough cut, and then experiment more with it when it comes to my final cit. I like the feature of having the magazine name at the top of the magazine, therefor will most likely add this convention in and ensure that is is bold and stands out.
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