Saturday 18 February 2017

Double page spread anlaysis 2

Screen shot 2013-01-22 at 3.57.11 PM
In this NME double page spread, there is a close up of a male solo artist on the left side of the page, and then the 3 columns of text on the right side. The article has a large quote at the beginning suggesting what the article is going to be about. There is a large gap around this quote so that it is visibly and cut off to any text under it. The whole page has only used the colours black white and grey, which I think it slightly too boring for a indie genre magazine, as the majority of them I have analysed have a injection of colour within them somewhere. This article uses 2 drop capitals, with their 1st one being largely bigger than the 2nd. There is a unexplained gap between the 2nd and 3rd column, were by there is no other images or text to fill it.

From this analysis, I have decided that I must use a bright colour in my colour scheme, as this helps represent the indie genre better. I have decided that I want to use a drop capital in my text as it makes the article look more professional. I have also decided that I am going to use a quote somewhere in my text, but not at the top on its own as I think that the gap between the text and the quote is too big. 

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