Sunday 19 February 2017

Double page spread analysis 3

This NME double page spread draws a reader in by using a font size that is completely over the top to title their magazine. I do believe that this font size is too big, however it gets the readers attention and therefor the reader is likely to want to read on. There is also a drop capital which is slightly over exaggerated regarding how bold and big it is. From other double page spreads I have analysed, there hasn't been such a big drop capital before.
The image of the 3 male artists shows then puling serious facial expression, in which suits the indie genre well. The image doesn't have any writing on a part form the 2 lines in the bottom right side of the image. I really like the convention of having lines with text inside (as shown on the left photo) therefor I am going to carry this feature forwards when I create my rough  and final cut. 
This page used 4 columns of text, however from the other double page spreads I have analysed, I have realised that is is unconventional and inst the norm therefor will not be carrying forwards this convention. 
The overall layout of having the image on the left and text on the right is again a popular convention of a magazine, therefor I will carry forwards this code and convention. 

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