Saturday 25 February 2017

Results from questionairee

I asked a group of people to fill out my survey and these were the results...

Question 1.
I asked my TA their thoughts on what I should call my magazine. I gave my TA the option of 6 names, with the most popular name being 'Vibe' with 55% of my TA saying they liked this name best. The second most popular name was 'unplugged' with 19% of my TA saying they liked this name best. 
Due to the large difference between the 2 most popular names, I am going to go with my finding, and therefor call my magazine 'Vibe.' I like the name Vibe as it simple, like other magazine in this genre (NME, Mojo) and therefor suits in well with the existing market within the Indie genre.

Question 2.
In this question, there was a tie between having red or orange as my the additional colour. I have chosen to use orange as my additional colour as NME's additional colour is red and I don't want my magazine to be masked by this existing popular magazine. Not only is orange is a bright eye catching colour, but is also a gender-neutral colour, in which works for my TA as I have mixed gender. 

Question 3.
I asked my TA what they would prefer to see on a double page spread, and 73% said they would like to see an interview of an artist. Therefor, I am going to write up an interview and write it up in a question and answer style. 

Question 4.
100% of people that answered my questionnaire said they would prefer to see one dominate image on the front cover. I am going to go with the audience and only have 1 image on the front cover. This makes a simplistic look and doesn't look messy. The simplicity of 1 dominant image suits the genre I am basing my magazine on, as other magazines I have analysed only have 1 image on the front cover.

Question 5.
My TA had indicated that they would prefer to see a soloist on my double page spread. This therefor gives me the idea that my double page spread will consist of a question and answer interview with a solo artist. 

Question 6.
I asked my TA how often they buy music magazines so that I can follow the convention of having the date and the year on the front cover. My TA have indicated that the majority of them buy magazines monthly. Therefor, I am going to issue my magazine monthly. Although some people said they don't buy music magazines, they still read them online, which is why it is important to include the website on the magazine somewhere.  

Question 7.
For my final question, I asked my TA how much they would pay for a music magazine, so that I can combined this with the other front cover research I have conducted, to get a price for my magazine. My TA have said they they are happy to pay £2.99, therefor I am going to price my music magazine at £2.99 as this is also the average price of existing music magazine. 

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