On this NME front cover, the artists is holding a instrument, and is it s a mid shot of a male soloist. The soloist is wearing relaxed clothing (plain black top and denim jacket) and is facing downwards but insnt in the centre of the page. The front cover image using a plain white background, in wihc test is place over the top so it doenst look plain.
From this front cover analysis, I have decided to dress my model is relaxed clothing such as a denim jacket with a black t-shirt as this gives a relaxed look, which is the look I am going for. The image dominates that page, therefor I am going to use this convention in my front cover. I am also going to use the convention of using a soloist for my front cover and use a light background.
Mast head
On this magazine, the masthead is written in the colour orange, which is the third colour in the colour scheme of black, white and orange. The title is written in a bog and bold font and can easily been seen by the TA. I am going to use the convention of having a big and bold title so the audience can see it and add me own touch on it (not necessarily by chaining the colour of it like this magazine has done) but possibly add its own distinct unique feature such as a line through it.
Colour scheme
This magazine uses the colour scheme of black, white and orange and highlights important information in orange. I really like the colour orange on this magazine as I believe it makes it unique and stands out. The colour is gender neutral, therefor contacts a mass audience, in which I would also like my magazine to do. Because of this factor, I have decided that I am going to consider using the colour orange when making my magazine as I believe it is a very effecting bright bold colour, which would give magazine its own uniqueness as it is a very contrasting colour. I am however going to leave the colour for my audience to decide, but will also take into account how effective the colour orange looks.
Again, this magazine uses main article text and sub text. The sub text is written in black and white, and some text is written in bars along the right hand side. The bars are in the orange colour and the text is written in white. I really like this feature of the text being inside of a bar, therefor will try to bring this into my magazine. I will also ensure that I have main articles and sub articles on my double page spread, and try to write in in the fashion this magazine has, by using their layout.
General conventions.
This magazine has a banner at the top of their front cover, in which shows the audience what they could get inside of the magazine (free posters.) the magazine also has a a bar code, running house style of 3 dominant colours, a date, and a central image. Therefor, because of this research I have decided that I am gong to take on board the convention of having a banner at the top of my magazine as I believe this is very effective and therefor adds a professional touch to the magazine.
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