Thursday 16 February 2017

Contents page analysis 5

The general house style of this magazine is followed in all kerrange magazine, with there being a bold heading, a colour scheme that runs through the font cover, lots of images and a wide range of fonts and text. In this particular karrange! magazine, I think that the amount of content is appealing as it is quite messy, possibly portraying the rock genre more than the indie genre. 
The style of the contents page I find very interesting as I really like the layout, how there are a fairly equal amount of text to image. Although there is only 1 dominant image used, I really like this feature as I think it makes the magazine look exciting and makes me want to read on, knowing that the article is going to be interesting is it takes up the full contents page.

There are 4 main colours used in this page (yellow, red, white and black) personally, I think that having 2 bright colour is too much, as it doesn't allow the audience to focus on the text or the image as they are distracted by the multiple colours surrounding them. The font in this magazine is a very sharp, bold & clear font and therefor I am going to use the convention of having a bold font in my contents page. 

At the bottom of the content page, there is a editor note, in which a positive relationship with the readers is formed. I believe that this feature is not necessary but adds a profession touch to the magazine, which is why I will consider doing this.

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