Tuesday 21 February 2017

Double page spread analysis 5

The final double page spread I am going to analyse is a page from the magazine Mojo. In this magazine, the editor has over lapped the photo and title onto both pages and has therefor has made all of the text on the right side page shift along. The title is all in lowercase but s still clear and bold. The drop capital has its own touch and is followed downwards by a line, cutting off the side of the text. This double page spread used a photo of 3 band members form the legendary band 'Kasabian.' As these artists ave a very high status, the photo has been taken form a low angle therefore gives the authority, power and status. 
This magazine has also used the convention of adding lines in the middle and written indie of them. I really like this feature as I think it makes the magazine  look professional and again adds their own touch to the way their magazines are made.

This magazine 2 photos at the bottom, however, I am going to only use 1 photo, as I want my target audience to be attracted to the image, and not over whelmed by other images. 

From this analysis, I have decided that I wold like my title to overlap on to the image left side. I also like the convention of having think lines with words wrote inside of them so will also carry forwards this feature. I like the way that the band has been photographed from a low angle, therefor will consider taking my photos like this. 

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